Energy Voices campaign to keep highlighting impacts of oil and gas decision

The ‘Energy Voices’ public campaign will keep running to give voice to serious concerns over the end to new offshore oil and gas exploration permits, says the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association of New Zealand (PEPANZ).

"The legislation may have passed but there has been a strong reaction from workers and communities who don't feel they've been listened to. They face an uncertain future, and feedback we've received is that we need to keep highlighting these concerns," says PEPANZ CEO Cameron Madgwick. 

“The campaign has given New Zealanders a chance to be heard on issues like jobs and rising household energy costs. There will be more stories of individual people affected over the coming weeks so the real impacts of this decision can be understood by decision-makers.

“We’re asking the Government to rethink and properly assess the full economic and environmental impacts of this policy.

"We’re thrilled with the strong public reaction to the campaign so far. Our content has been shown up to 400,000 times each week on social media, based around the website, on Facebook and Twitter.

“One of the most powerful pieces has been the video of Waitara local Bill Simpson explaining to MPs the impact of job losses on his whanau and community. His clips have been viewed well over 60,000 times online.”